Friday, April 26, 2002This post is especially for any one from The Write List who wanders over here.
It's not a very special post, but at least you know that I'm happy that you visited, and all that.
Permalink Cindy scribed this at 6:14 PM
Tuesday, April 23, 2002I'm done with my second draft! I'm done with my second draft! La la lalalalalla!!!!
It's such a high, getting to closer and closer to the day when I type The End.
Tomorrow, I work on a comic book project, "Do You Feel Loved?" I have two artists who are very interested...they're both friends from online, so I'm going to try and work with them both. Another sweetie from the board is more of a writer, but he really wants to do something... It's so exciting, I went from no artists to two who will hopefully be enchanted with my stories over night. I hope it works out, and I hope I don't mess it up.
When I have the script under way, I intend to go over Blue Moon and answer questions and edit. When I mean answer questions, I go through a book, and I read it, and as I'm reading it, questions will pop up. I write them down as I go along...
Are Zorovin's eyes always silver?
Where did Alex get that hatchet?
then I go back and resolve them in the text.
Next then will be the print out and read (how I hate to waste the ink and paper....but on the other hand, since I can't always catch mistakes on screen, I can't afford *not* to.) My readers will then read the stuff.
Then I run the corrections, then I print it out one last time. (Well, not *last*, since I will be printing out partials for agents....)
Then I am done. If there are not a lot of mistakes to fix, I may not print it out the last time. But I do want a copy of my book. Balancing Act, the copy of the ms that went to the first agent, when it was rejected, I hole punched it and put it in a binder. The binder has since been a very nice easy reference tool for me.
Blue Moon, barring major changes, will be about 452 pages long. It's quite a bit longer that Balancing Act, but then Blue Moon is a stand alone, I think.
I am so excited! EEE!
Ok. Back to my calm, dour self.
Permalink Cindy scribed this at 8:54 PM
Hey again!
I hate it when I get all whiney. (re-yesterday's post) Blame it on the toe I stoved. As it heals it's slowly going from pasty white to the black of a hanged man's tounge.
Yuck. So glad it's not sandal season.
Well, to get back ON topic, I'd like to discuss what I've learned about fan fiction this week. See, I don't write fan fiction as a habit, but once in awhile I will as a present. So, I wrote a due South fan fiction piece, intergrating my friend, for her birthday. To be honest, she's the only one I do fan fiction for, anymore. It's hard to create a friend as a character, because you don't want to do anything to hurt them (hell of a present, that would be, eh? Er...Heck. Sorry.) One of the things I found, if you ever start doing fan ficts, is that you need to have a set of things in mind: A quick reference file with piccys and profiles, preferably chopped from websites. (I had Write open, and just cut and pasted everything I needed, rather than saving the web page), a rough idea of the character's past, and the tells of a character (gestures, voice, things they do every show) - you need to actually watch a few of the shows (I've seen most of them.) to get down the character's voice. In due south, Benton Fraser says, "Actually, Ray" a bit. You also need to know what the characters call each biggest problem, and one I *hope* I finessed..... You can call Benton Fraser many things: Ben, Benny, Frashe, and Frasher. I couldn't remember.
Playing with other people's characters can be a ton of fun - fan fiction is almost it's own mendium. Really. True, it looks like a short sotry, but it really isn't, any more than a proem is. The way you have to fit pre-created items in the story, to give it the right flavor - I relied heavily on throwing in things that are key to someone who's watched the whole series...mentioned rubber duckies, women from both Ray and Ben's past, etc. It really does make your mind work in a different way.
But like I said, I don't do it often. Mostly because I am rather mercenary - it takes alot of work to write good fan fiction, and I'd rather put that time into a book, or other marketable project. Still, there's a few Sandman stories that creep around the back of my head, that I *might* put on paper someday, just to free up some mind-drive space.
Permalink Cindy scribed this at 4:01 PM
Sunday, April 21, 2002So, *that's* completely disheartening.
What, you ask? Well, I started reviewing books for Gottan Write Network, and the lady, when I asked her if there was anything else I can do for her, said that I could do an interview, if I liked. I agreed, and today I went to look at his web page. His new series is so much like mine I could choke. I've been working on mine for ten years, but since I haven't been able to get it published yet, everyone will think I'm copying off of him....not to slag him....he deserves to be published too, I just wish that our stories were a little more different.
How do you get past this? Do you hope he starts a new trend that makes your book more marketable? Do you pray that people don't go, "Well, vampires have saturated the market, and your book is so simular to...."? Sigh.
Well, at least, Thank God, Andromeda's not a vampire anymore. That might save me, in the end.
Well, emough whining. I have to go work on my hopepages....I thought I'd like to add a page with links to my book reviews and interviews. It might be fun, and it'll organize my works a bit for me. I have a much un-talked about review of Neil's American Gods up at Science Fiction Romance.
Permalink Cindy scribed this at 2:09 PM