Friday, June 27, 2003I'm working on adding the review section now. I thought I'd add a small "Featured review" section in the column to the right, pushing down the archives thing. The first featured review will be some Barbara Hambly books. Should actually be Neil Gaiman, because American Gods was the one that got me started. Hmm. Not too late...could do both.
I'm really working on Balancing Act now. Realized that I didn't *have* to type in Chapter 6. I....grin!....could scan the text in. So I'm adding in the hard copy line edits, and doing some major text re-working. I'll be either taking down the Andromeda excerpt, and replacing it with the new and truly improved excerpt, *or* I may put up the new excerpt at the old one's link, and link to the old excerpt so that people can compare the two, see the difference between a person writing her first book and a person who's written two books and editing the first.
OOOH! Work's come in. Check out . I edit for them...I edit the pieces, they get sent back to the writers, and they re-write -- or not -- the piece. It's a cool magazine. :)
Permalink Cindy scribed this at 7:54 PM
So, to continue yesterday's conversation, if you really, really want to feel like a loser, then spell loser looser...twice...and then have someone very politely point it out to you. Especially since you know better, and if you post before you posted it, then you would have caught it.
He did send me a nifty link, which I will share with you:
And don't go look for the mistake. :D I fixed it. That's why God made edit buttons.
Permalink Cindy scribed this at 7:42 PM
Thursday, June 26, 2003Actually, to append to the last post: If you're ever feeling like a loser, you can think of that, *or* you can think, "At least I'm not Bruce Willis, and have to hang out all the time with my ex-wife *and* her teeny bopper boy-toy."
I'm here to make you feel better. Seriously. :D Permalink Cindy scribed this at 7:33 PM
So, my first implement of writing was an electric typewriter. I bought it, half my savings, half a present from my parents, on Bono's birthday. Darned if I can remeber what day it was, but at the time, 13 or 14 I was, Bono's birthday was a memorable thing. May, perhaps?
Eventually I got a word processor...dirt cheap, it had a small blue and white screen attached to it, a hand's width wide. It had small weird disks that I over bought on because they didn't hold much and they were no longer being stocked. Unfortunately, I couldn't keep it fixed...the repairman drenched it in hot glue and it was done forever. My grandfather bought me a new one, with a seperate monitor just like a real computer. It took normal disks....just dd, no High Density. I eventually rode that thing to the ground, working through college and all that. So a couple years ago I got a computer. This one. It's heaven, really, to have a computer. It's still a weird miracle...something I celebrate every day.
So, the point is, the word processor...the last one, with the DD disks, couldn't hold much at a time. After all, it didn't have a hard drive. So I would divide my books, in this case Balancing Act, into small peices I called chapters. (That's how I divided up my chapters...when I started running out of room, I made a chapter ending and a new file, kept going.) And one time, when I took my book and did the final draft, printing out one chapter at a time, I saved chapter seven over chapter 6. A year later, when I got a *computer* and could have my book in *one* file, (you have no idea how much easier that makes things...unless, well, you had a PWP too.) I didn't notice, I just cut and pasted it into the file. So, in short, I've been trying to sell a manucript with two chapter 7's.
So think of that when you're feeling like a loser. Ought to make you feel better. :)
Permalink Cindy scribed this at 7:32 PM
Tuesday, June 24, 2003So, I'd been trying to get back into blogging for days...every time I tried to get through the old way, it didn't work. So, I eventually gave up, went to the regular blogger page, and got in this way. I'm using their new blogger tools...It's rather neat. Pretty blue interface. It fits inside my AOL browser window much, much better.
So far I'm happy.
Been cycling through some major depressions, but I'm wedging out of it. The type of life I've chosen is fraught with uncertainties...we'll only really know if I've made the right choice when I'm dead. I wonder if I should have chosen the more mainstream kind of life. I don't regret the of us would be dead by now. I do wonder, though, if I should be out there more...
Yay! Another nice person has linked to me! James Ponder is rather neat...lots of interesting pictures, and a far firmer political view that I've thus far been able to cement for myself.
I'm still waiting. And waiting. For what, I don't know. The worst part about life sometimes is facing that fact that you're living it now. Not going to live it soon.
Permalink Cindy scribed this at 3:02 PM
Tuesday, June 10, 2003
So, yesterday we went on an outing...we got up and drove a pretty long way, out into Ohio and back. It was rather lovely...we didn't stop much (The Steak and Shake, which rocks...expensive hamburgers, but very good since they're made with, like, real meat.) I got to go on the Sistersville (West Virginia)'s how we crossed the Ohio River. It was the coolest's only a couple of years old. You drive onto the flat bed platform, and when it takes off from shire it sort of drifts a little as the cab, which is this tall tug boat like thing attached to the side pivots around to face the proper direction. It's not cable propelled like the Fredericktown Ferry, and seeing it pivot around like that is too cool. (It used to be a cable driven ferry, at least on the Sistersville side you can see the huge well, with a bit of metal cable still wrapped around it. You know me and water...God, I love water, and so I felt really good after that. Sometimes long drives can get you feeling beat up, but the Ferry made it all so much better. We passed a High School names...Long Drain. Is that not the most appropriate name for a HS? We also passed (this is in order of memory, not happening) a place called Lore City, or at least the exit for it. I desperately wanted to get off at that exit...but I would have probably been terribly heart broken when I realized that it was just a sad, not as rich as it once was town, and not a place where goblins played in the shadows of the gas pumps, or tall, slender men with hair like platinum and fingers of quicksilver crossing the street on their way to libraries with hidden doors.
There were also...sort of...I don't know, found art? Like the yard I passed with a male mannequin, just the torso and head stuck on a stick...or the strange, spooky bright yellow school bus, filled with colored objects that, at least passing it at 55, look like the bright coats of children...but the grass around the wheels is high, and if they are children, then they are very, very late getting home....
And that was my trip. Suffered some major house envy, saw some really nifty things.
Permalink Cindy scribed this at 10:02 PM
Saturday, June 07, 2003Nichole has a blog, now!! How cool! And she's linked to it in my blog linker should visit. She writes wonderfully, these small, tight and very human profiles that are just totally real and wonderful. (And thanks for linking to me!)
Well, it's the weekend, which means I can ease off some. I probably won't write much (not at all tomorrow...I take my Sundays, I think it's important to have a break every week, it clears the mind.) Mostly, Saturdays are housework days, don't you think? Saturdays always smell like Mr. Clean/Endust lemon and oil soap and Windex. I also took a look at the yard of beaded trim I bought to replace the beads on my scarf...and now am a confirmed beaded trim freak. I have this overwhelming desire to go buy it somewhere. I like their weight, the feel of them, all cold and slippery, and the light sound they make. So, I'll be sewing that on today, maybe finish the sheet I've been embroidering. Back when I was a romantic, I'd determined that I would embroider a sheet set...pillow cases, and a top sheet...for my wedding night. That's done been and gone and died, and so the blank sheets bought for that are now sporting a very heavy, Chinese Phoenix and flowers set of motifs. Who needs a man anyway? Like, guys would appreciate the embroidery, anyway.
I think we all want to live this lush, exotic life. Well, I shouldn't say we, you may not, but I certainly feel the need to. I want simplicity, too though...and book shelves. Damn do I need some bookshelves.
Oh, yes, lushness! That's where I was. I think that's why things like velvet, beaded trim, etc are slowly coming back into style. I think that we all hunger for the exotic, which is why explorers so long ago wanted to reach the India and China...that, and the loads of cash they figured they'd be making, but money aside, there is something about those far off lands that speaks of things exquisite and rare and, well, lush. Sybaritic. I'm not much on either being a sybarite or a hedonist, but there is something about the idea of everything being beautiful and perfect, even your ustensils and pots marrying beauty with use.
Oh, dear. This is what they call blathering, isn't it? Back to web page thinking about updating.
Permalink Cindy scribed this at 3:53 PM
Monday, June 02, 2003What I've been up to...
Well, I've been linked two by two very cool blogs...Hello and Thank you!! The neat thing about blog linker is that sometimes you find some really fabulous blogs.
I've got my Playstation controller on the floor, training my charcaters up for Final Fantasy Five (job levels...Grr!). See, as I work on the Net, I use my toe to either press the directional arrows to find a fight, or, when I hear things go beep, I press x. And once in awhile I save. There are now a bunch of hardcore gamers out there who either hate my guts now or think I'm brillant. And a bunch of people who have no idea what I'm talking about, but that's ok. I think.
Let's see...I reviewed Fine Spirits by Alice Duncan this week, Days of the Dead by Barabra Hambly, The Book of Athyra by Stephen Brust (I like Vlad Taltos!!) Saturn by Ben Bova may be upat Fantastica Daily, Perpetual Ending by de Hertog, and Righteous Blood by Cliff Birns. The last book is two novellas, the second of which is truly freaky. I only did the first draft of most of these...I'll do the second draft tomorrow.
I've been writing on two book and editing a third...because I need to finish editing the one and sending it, and because, darn it, a girl has to settle down and write and finish *something*, I have to write on Pilgrims, two thousand words a day, but, but, this other story is really writing itself in my head, so I'm working on it when I can. I know the next eight books I'm going to write, but never seem to make enough time to write them. I'm such an evil person.
Permalink Cindy scribed this at 7:36 PM