Friday, May 17, 2002Ok. What I've learned this week....
I was blessed, utterly blessed, with my first *real* gig. I wrote, for Neil Gaiman's Official Hrper Collins Website an essay about his comics work, chock filled with details and url's. It was probably the most horrifying experiance thus far. This is not becuase I didn't enjoy myself - I most certainly did, and Julia Bannon, who I'm sort of working for, is absolutely wonderfula nd honorable. This is because: if I fall flat on my face, I do so practically at the feet of my hero, and of several of my friends. And a thousand words....do you know how hard it is to condense a 15 year carrer in 1000 words? With out sounding like < start bored professorial tone> "And Neil Gaiman wrote this thing here and then he...." If I did a good job, then I have a viable clip I can use to get more jobs. I have the good will of a very nice person. I please my favorite author. The world is happy and bright.
I sent it off. God, I hope it's good enough.
I also need to update my book review page. I'm doing book reviews for Gotta Write Online (where I am also the Fantasy Genre Editor...Go me!> and MostlyFiction.com, as well as the Mid West Book Review. I read City of Bones by Micheal Connely and liked it very much, plus Tales from Earthsea. I was told that the most important thing i can do is get my name out there. I'm working at it.
Hmmm...I knew there was something else I wanted to mention.
Aha! Yes. Did you know there's a young woman named Cindy Speer who did a couple of reviews for a website called Popmatters? Not me! Not me at all....so I've been going around calling myself Cindy Lynn...and now people are calling me Cindy Lynn, and everythme I see that I feel like I'm in trouble, becuase usually when someone calls me by my whole name, I've just done something wrong....
Permalink Cindy scribed this at 5:46 PM
Sunday, May 05, 2002Gotta Write Network ... Online Is where you will find my Jon F. Merz interview. Go to Genre to Genre, click paranormal. Scroll down. No, keep going...just a little further...yep There it is. :D
While you're there,.click fantasy, and check out my review for A Shadow On The Glass. An excellent book, I'm hoping to find book two somewhere and review it, hopefully cheap, since I am making absolutely no income.
One of the RPG places turned me down. S'okay, it was the one I wrote the short story for, and I really actually liked the story. Might make it into somtheing, or, since it's so short, might post it here.
I added an email form to the front page! You can now email me when ever your little heart desires. I may or may not answer, depending if it's a nice email or, well, not.
I learned that you should write "Requested Materials Enclosed" really large on an envelope when sending a requested partail to an agent. I can't belive I never thought of that myself! Of course, it puts you to the head of the pack!
I also learned that badly stoved in toes take a long time to heal. It's not icky to look at anymore, but it hurts like hades.
I am doing a chat at www.fictionaddiction.net Friday, May 10 at 3 pm. Come and discuss Comic Book Writing with me. I'll tell you how to do it, how to get started, and explain why comics is a valid medium. If I have time, and don't get flustered.
Permalink Cindy scribed this at 12:17 PM
Wednesday, May 01, 2002What I've been learning this week?
Hmm. Well, I've been applying to a Role Playing Game company, which is interesting because everything you write is geared so that other people can make up stories. There are hooks to be added in, for exapmle, if you write about a Blacksmith shop, a hook would be the Blacksmith worrying about his daughter not coming home and asking the PC's...er..Player Characters, which are the people that you make up and act as during the game....to go look for her.
It's very descriptive, and not exactly easy. But hopefully, I'll get the job, because I do enjoy it. I'll let you know. :D
I did my first interview this week! John F. Merz, who's The Fixer is now in stores...you can check him out at www.zrem.com. He's quite nice, and his books look good. Va,pires and espionauge. ( My name is Tepes....Vlad Tepes....) <- Just kidding. It's not like that at all. It's cool, more Raymond Chandler than Anne Rice, from what I've read thus far. I'll post the URL when it comes up. Hopefully soon?
Permalink Cindy scribed this at 12:02 AM
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