Wednesday, May 01, 2002What I've been learning this week?
Hmm. Well, I've been applying to a Role Playing Game company, which is interesting because everything you write is geared so that other people can make up stories. There are hooks to be added in, for exapmle, if you write about a Blacksmith shop, a hook would be the Blacksmith worrying about his daughter not coming home and asking the PC' Characters, which are the people that you make up and act as during the go look for her.
It's very descriptive, and not exactly easy. But hopefully, I'll get the job, because I do enjoy it. I'll let you know. :D
I did my first interview this week! John F. Merz, who's The Fixer is now in can check him out at He's quite nice, and his books look good. Va,pires and espionauge. ( My name is Tepes....Vlad Tepes....) <- Just kidding. It's not like that at all. It's cool, more Raymond Chandler than Anne Rice, from what I've read thus far. I'll post the URL when it comes up. Hopefully soon?
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