Monday, September 23, 2002It's my birthday today! Lalala!!
I amaze myself. Not in a good way. Every year without fail I pledge to act in a decorous manner. No telling people it's my birthday...after all, it's really silly to go around and tell people this, virtually forcing them at social gun point to wish me well. It's evil. It's wrong. It's self aggrandizing.
But I'm doing it anyway. I guess I get so excited (heh....that'll not last much longer. I'm 28 today.) and in such a good mood, that my exuberance takes over.
And maybe I just like being evil.
So, wish me happy birthday, if you would, in the back of your mind, and have a lovely first day of fall.
virtual hugs and thick slabs of birthday cake.... (Mine's to be cherry with chocolate frosting....mmmm)
Permalink Cindy scribed this at 12:03 PM