Thursday, January 02, 2003Something I realized earlier this week is that all writers, starting out, make exactly the same list of mistakes. Even the best ones. I think we need to write to get these mistakes out of our system, we need to write out the cliche's and all that in order to mature as writers. Somebody...maybe it was Eddings?? said that you write about 3 million pages of crap before you start writing good things. This is true. The only way you become a "mature" writer (i.e. someone who when they get published more people go "Hey! He can write!" than not) is to, well, write. It is a very rare creature that writes something publishable right at the start. So write yourself into growth, write to learn how to show not tell, write to find your voice, write to figure out how not to play pov musical chairs in the same scene.
And don't give up. Which you weren't going to anyway, but I thought I would say so. Permalink Cindy scribed this at 6:59 PM