Happy Vilentines day!
Friday, February 14, 2003And those who know me know that is, for once, not a typo. But, I have decided to give you a present. I have dug through my 1977 edition of Webster's Colligate, and am about to present you the most obscure words I can find, off hand.
V -- Vug : small, unfilled cavity in a lode or in a rock.
A -- Anserine: of, relating to, or resembling a goose.
L -- Lovesome: Winsome, Lovely, also Amourous.
E -- Entresol: Mezzanine
N -- Negus: A beverage of wine, hot water, sugar, lemon juice and nutmeg.
T -- Tergiversate: 1. to become a renegade, 2. to use subterfuge
I -- Intrados : The interior curve of an arch.
N -- Nodus: complication, difficulty
E -- Effulgence: To shine, radiant splendor
May you have a lovely and peaceful day Permalink Cindy scribed this at 12:47 PM