Monday, March 17, 2003

I had a rough week last week, but I learned a lot. The most important thing, which I would like you to walk away with, is this.

If you apply to a place where you take a Word document and use the track changes/comment feature to make changes to it, then pretty please make sure they know that you used the commenting feature. This will save them thinking you don't know what the hell you're doing, and deciding not to give you employment after all.

Cool moment of the week:

Almost a year ago, I interviewed Jon F. (The Fixer, The Invoker) Merz. I found him to be kind, sensible, and still dedicated to hepling out his fellow writers. I won't stand around acting like he's my friend, but I genuinely like him. So, I meant to buy a copy of The Invoker, which came out last October. I decided to wait until I could see if the SFSite was going to get a copy...I'd reviewed The Fixer for them, and because I seem to get all the vampire books I ask for, (which is a big yay!) I thought, well, if no one else who's reviewing for them likes vampires, then Lawson's going to be sitting unwanted, and there's nothing sadder than that. But Pinnacle hadn't sent them a review copy as far as I could tell...and time passed, and I didn't get to buy the book. Yesterday, I went to Gaint Eagle, and two shiny copies were sitting on the shelf. I went all goofy..."I know this guy!! Isn't that cool!" I exclaimed. (the cash register girls must think I'm nuts) and bought it.

Of course I'll never get to read it. (looks at tottering pile of review copies...see, I pay for these books by reviewing them....if I pay for them with money, then I've earned them, and I don't have to read them, so I won't, no matter how much I want to...well, it *is* Lawson....maybe I can squeeze him in.) But you know what the whole point of this dumb story was? Because, for some reason, the fact that someone I'd chatted with, who I'd interviewed, someone I know was sitting on that shelf. And it made the whole thought of seeing *my* book on that shelf feel more real, more possible.

I'm praying that Blue Moon gets picked up by the new Harlequin line, Luna. Now for those of you who have their noses all wrinkled, thinking, "Harlequin?" It's not a regular line, but a imprint, like Mira. And Mira rocks. But, as you all know, we have low periods in the writing life. Nail biting periods. I force myself to remember something that Yan Martle said in a chat I hosted, he said that he tried not to be hungry for writing sucess, because it was a very hard hunger to feed. Still, I'd like something else on my stomac beside nail clippings. Anyway, please wish me luck.

BTW, I'm not starving. I'm being melodramatic. I'm safe and warm and fed. Just desperate.

Permalink Cindy scribed this at 6:34 PM 0 comments


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