Monday, March 03, 2003Woo-Hoo!
I would like to announce that my archives are officially working! Special thanks to the nice man at Blogger Control who looked at it and figured out...a simple little ketch, really....what was wrong. The way my web page is set up...well, let me explain better, in case it'll help someone...for you guys to see my files, I have to place them in a specail folder on my server. So, since all my archive files go in this folder, and the folder path has to be listed in my blogger settings, I added that path, let's call it /net/ to my url in the archive template. So, he suggested I take it out...and now, the url works fine, and sends you right to the blogger archive. When you click on one of the links to the right, it'll take you to a page that looks exactly like this one. :) Except, of course, the posts are different. At least we hope so.
I am so stoked. I mean, ok, most of the past stuff is, like, tre boring, but it's good to have it availabel, and working. It bothered me.
Permalink Cindy scribed this at 4:27 PM