GWN Min-Convention
Monday, April 21, 2003

Hello! I'm helping to co-organize an online convention, so I thought I would psot the details for you writers..the first part is for participating in the con, the second is for becoming a member....

1) Which of the following topics would you attend a session on? Mark
as many as you like so we get a clear idea of what interests all of
you. Authors/Editors interested in leading sessions may email me.

___ Romantic Suspense
___ How to Write Historical Fiction
___ Paranormal Mystery
___ Writing Sensual Scenes
___ Promoting Your Novel
___ Culinary Mysteries
___ Creating Alternative Worlds
___ Private Eyes/Amateur Detectives
___ Cats in Mysteries
___ On Character Development
___ Writing for Young Adults
___ How to Break Into The Small Press
___ Fandom
___ Conducting Interviews
___ Using the Internet as a Resource
___ Solving Mysteries
___ Trends in Romance Novels
___ Selecting a Genre
___ How to Develop a Plot
___ Getting Down to Business -- Writing (how to prepare a manuscript,
write a query and submit it and what to expect)
___ Writing Battle Scenes
___ Greeting Card Writing

2) Would you be interested in being a special guest at the convention?
3) Can you donate an autographed copy of your book/s as prizes?
4) Can you help promote the convention on your website or egroup?
5) Would you like to participate in a panel discussion on Writing and
the Publishing Industry?
6) When would you like to see the convention held (Month, days,
7) Can you suggest authors/editors/publishers you'd like to make
guest appearances?
8) Are you interested in being the guest speaker for any of the above
topics or know any other qualified individuals?
Please contact for more information!

Before you fill out the Reservation form below, make sure you can
access the chatroom where the convention will be held. Log on to:, click on "Chat Info," then on the blue "Chat
Now" button directly across from GWN Classroom.

Fill out the following form and snail mail with a check for $20 to:
Gotta Write Network Online, Denise Fleischer, 515 E. Thacker, Hoffman
Estates, IL 60194.

The convention is open to 60 participants. Updates will be given
frequently on this list to keep you informed of new features. I will
post a complete schedule once all arrangements are made. You are
responsible for coming to the sessions. I won't be sending
out "you're missing out" reminders. All paid participants' forms will
be eligible for book and special gift drawings. Winners will be
posted on this list.

Gotta Write Network's First Annual Mini-Con Reservation Form



City, State, Zip:

E-mail address:

Genres I would like to receive if I won a book in the drawing:


I am an author/future author/avid reader. If you are an author, would
your publisher like to participate as a guest speaker?

I have logged onto GWN: once/weekly/a few times a month.

Will you be attending all the sessions or just those that interest
you? ________________________.

I would like a friend of mine to attend. Can you please email him/her.

email address ________________.

Permalink Cindy scribed this at 6:02 PM 0 comments


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