Tuesday, July 29, 2003

Let's see....

Sometimes I think I;m socially insane. For instance, I went to the store today, and the lights flickered. I turned around and said to the two strangers behind me, "You know, with all the money we spend here, you think they could pay the electric bill." Which got no laughs, and an ernest explanation that you canpay the bill and still have the electricty go out. "For sure!" I said, since I've been witout electricity for whole days at a time, even a week once. When, when i couldn't figure where the store keeps their soap (used to buy soap at a now defunct store, or Wal Mart) I said, to the pharmacist assistant..."Here's a question you never want to ask...where do they keep the soap around here?" then I grinned and said, "No one wants to admit to not w=knowing where that is." and she laughed. So I dunno. Maybe self depreciating jokes are better. ::shrug::

Permalink Cindy scribed this at 10:14 PM 0 comments


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Sunday, July 27, 2003

So cool. The convention is over...it was not a roaring success, but it was pretty cool. The guests were all amazing, I learned so much...I tried to log all the chats, but here and there when something malfunctioned I lost it...which is a serious shame, since we plan to edit and post the transcripts at Gotta Write. But, I'm happy because it's one less thing I have to think about for a while. I over reached myself a little, and so I'm carefully trying to get each thing done, then pushed aside so I can get back into a writing schedule.

I am sorry I forgot about the Blog a Thon. Next year, I think I'll try and participate. I think I skipped worrying bout whether to do it or not because I figured I'd have a snow bird's chance in Florida of getting a sponsor. Next year, if there is one, I'll do it...I'd love to pitch in and support the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund.

Yesterday I also got a wonderful email from an author I reviewed. The fact she saw my email addy, remembered my reviews, and decided to take the time to say thanks made me so very happy.

Speaking of silly fun, I saw a little bubble bottle I got from the last wedding I went to sitting on the kitchen sink, so I spent several minutes blowing bubbles up at the florescent light. I forgot how jewel like the colors on bubbles are...how you can have fifty or sixty bubbles (I'm long winded but hey, you knew that) at once, all a different perfect color.

If you're wondering about the bolds it's because I thought, if I'm going to cram a lot of topics in one post, a nice girl might make it easier for you to skip the boring parts. :D Just trying it. You know I'll forget to do it the next time anyway.

Let's see...oh, yes. Some smart *** has harvested my email again, using it as a reply to address. Some of you are already nodding your heads, but some of you might not know this: sometimes a spammer will use your email in the reply to section. This means, he'll shoot off a whole bunch of emails, and instead of him getting the bounced "no longer a valid email address" emails, or the "God will deal with your someday" (actually got one of those the last time this happened) emails, you get them. I take a lot of steps to try and prevent this, but if you're going to join things, etc, you need to have at least one email out there. Sigh. I may have to whittle down the use of this email address.

Permalink Cindy scribed this at 12:19 PM 0 comments


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Tuesday, July 22, 2003

So, for awhile I've been alluding to good news, but never spilling it. Well, I have no good reason to do so now, except the realzation that I should share all these writing things, and be honest and not all, "But what if I fail and then everyone's like, thanks for nothing." I guess I didn't want to be ashamed, come on line and say, "Well, got my rejection slips today." Silly girl. It's not like I've not been rejected before. I've been rejected more times than a pimp at a nun convention.

Anyway, In April I got my first letter from a big publisher, saying that they liked my book idea and were curious to see how I worked things out, so could I send the full manuscript? And, by the way, your other book sounds good to, would you send it? It might not be quite right, but we're willing to look at it. So, of course, I sent Blue Moon, the book I queried them for, right off. Balancing Act was already going under re-writes, and so I decided to continue them, for several reasons. One, a friend said it needed expanding. Now, I'll admit (and I sort of hope he never reads this) that I was a little not happy...I guess I wanted him to think I was abrillant writer, and when he said that this book I spent ages working on and was so thrilled to have done needed work, I was sort of crestfallen. Also, I'd been hearing all over that first books always suck. And last, most important, I realized Pilgrims of the Night took place a few months before Balancing Act, and Sevrin and Andromeda, who I act like they've just met in BA, actually end up having an adventure together in Pilgrims. So, I rolled the dice, and I rewrote. And re-wrote. And finally, I finished it last night, spent hours printing it out, and sent it this morning. There's part of me that is very zen, if it was meant to sell, it'll sell. There's a small evil part that keeps saying, what if you pi**ed this oportunity away?

I'm relived to report that I did not recieve a rejection letter for Blue Moon in the mail today. I was actually expecting that. I figured if they don't like Blue Moon, which is (mostly) right up their alley, then they'll hate Balancing Act. So, getting past the mail without that happening makes me happy. Of course, there's always tomorrow.

I felt, a ways back, that something would happen for me in April. Then I got the letter. I've felt much the same about July...I wonder if I'll hear anything, or if I've just convinced myself? I'm really praying for this...even though they're a big publisher, the imprint, I guess it's called, is brand new. So they're actually *looking* for people. That's got to be good, right?

I feel so nervous. I wish I could make myself forget the whole thing, you know. But I can't. I feel like this is it, if they don't take it, my writing life is over...that's so dumb, it's not the end, but I think because they asked for both books it's given me too much hope/despair. I mean, if they only have one book and they reject it, that's ok, but if they read both books and reject them both, then I must be a crappy writer, right?

Of course, if this was a writer posting to Fiction Addiction I'd be like, "Don't be silly, Hon, just because, yadda yadda..." you know? And I know that if they reject me there's always another book, another publisher, another possability...even self publishing, if I manage to scrape up the money. But I still feel like I'm standing on the beach, watching my ships burn and crumble into the sea. Weird, isn't it?

The Moral of the story: If you've written more than one book, try and slip in a line about one of them or two of them in your query letter.

Permalink Cindy scribed this at 7:42 PM 0 comments


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Gotta Write Network's
Mini-Con Schedule of Speakers

For July 26th, 2003
This schedule is determined by the speakers' availability.
Sessions may change. To access the chat, log onto
gottawritenetwork.com, click on features, chat info and then Writer
to Writer chat now.
The mini con will be held on July 26.
4 books have been donated. If anyone would like to donate their
newest title (and autograph it) please write me as soon as possible
for my address. The schedule is also posted on
gottawritenetwork.com 's front page (thanks to Tracey).

9 AM ET Ayn Hunt -GOTHIC GOULS - Basic Tennants for Paranormal
Paranormal stories are gaining popularity. And many publishers are
now actively seeking them. In this interactive presentation, the
writer will learn what ghosts are and what they're not, where they
come from, gender differences, classifications of ghosts, and how to
realistically write about them. Common myths about ghosts will also
be dispelled and short exercises will be provided to enhance the
writer's skill. Basic elements of the optimum setting for ghosts will
also be featured and worked on as time permits. Ayn is the author
of "Unwilling Killers."

10 AM ET Tina Tessina - How to Write a Non-Fiction Book
Proposal That Sells.
This session will focus on the Main Parts of a Proposal:
Cover Page, Overview, Sales Analysis (Most Important Part of
Proposal), Format, Type or Category of Book and Competition. Tina
hosts "The Psyche Deli: delectable tidbits for the subconscious"
every Thursday 4-4:30 PM PST on IKUCI 88.9 FM, simulcast on
www.kuci.org. Look for her "Dating Dr." column on
www.CouplesCompany.com. Her books include: "It Ends With You: Grow Up
and Out of Dysfunction" New Page Books, Feb. 2003; "How to Be a
Couple and Still Be Free" New Page Books, March 2002.

11 AM ET Janet Elaine Smith - How To Promote Your Novel

Learn the common and unusual ways to promote your book and
get it the recognition it deserves. So many writers get bogged down
just with the idea of trying to sell their books, but Janet will
change their way of thinking with her own techniques. Janet's latest
novel is entitled "Par for the Course."

Noon ET Jeanine Berry - Paranormal Romance

She'll cover: What's Hot in Paranormal Right Now, What Readers Love
and Hate To See, What Publishers are Looking For, Who is Open to
Paranormals, A Reading List of the "Hot" Authors and Places to Learn

Words are Jeanine's passion. An avid reader all her life, she turned
writing into her profession as she grew up. She studied English and
journalism and went on to a career as a journalist in newspapers and
magazines. Jeanine pursued her dream of creative writing. She is the
author of two SF novels: The Sex Gates and Masters of the Sex Gates
(with Darrell Bain); and three fantasy novels: Dayspring Dawning,
Dayspring Destiny and The Secret Sky. Her paranormal romance, Alien
Seduction, will be coming out this fall from eXtasy Books as the
first of a three book series. Jeanine lives in the Chicago area with
her husband and two very spoiled Australian Silky Terriers.

1 PM ET - PJ Parrish - Plot & Setting

P J. Parrish is actually two sisters - Kristy Montee and Kelly
Montee - who decided to pool their life-long loves of writing by
teaming up in 1995 to create the character of Louis Kincaid. Their
collaboration is unique in that the sisters live in separate states
(Kelly in Mississippi, Kristy in Florida) - which means hefty phone
bills and a reliance on America Online. The sisters were born and
raised in Detroit, Michigan, each going their separate ways in

They are currently at work on the fifth Louis Kincaid novel and also
at work on a second series set in the Las Vegas's casino world
featuring a female detective.

2 PM ET - Jeffrey Marks - Murder Must Advertise e-group

Learn about MMA, how to join, what it's all about, and also the
basics of book marketing and making an impact with your book without
leaving home. Marks is the Edgar-nominated author of the US Grant
series and Intent to Sell, the Anthony-nominated book on genre
fiction marketing. His novels include "A Good Soldier", the 2nd US
Grant Mystery, Feb. 2003 and Atomic Renaissance, Delphi Books,
October 2003.

3 PM ET - Dominique - Multi-Cultural Romance

Linda Dominique Grosvenor is the author of "Like Boogie On
Tuesday," "Fever," "Bloom," and "The Plural Thing."

4 PM ET - Donna Conger - Trends in Romance Novels

5 PM ET - Jody Gore - Conducting Interviews

Jody is Co-Editor-in-Chief and part owner of the e-zine, W.O.W.,
Writing for Independents. She holds a strong commitment to those
authors that choose 'the road less traveled' to be published. Her
spare time is spent with her two adult children, new grandson and her
husband of twenty plus years.

6 PM ET - Sue Owens Wright - Follow Your Passion to Publication

Sue is a mystery novelist and cover illustrator. HOWLING BLOODY
MURDER is the first book in her series which features a Basset Hound.
The book was nominated in 2002 for a Maxwell Award by the Dog
Writers' Association of America. The author has made numerous
appearances in California and Nevada at Barnes & Noble, Borders,
Waldenbooks, and at libraries, pet stores, and independent mystery
bookstores. She has done interviews for radio and television stations
across the nation. Sue was also a guest speaker at one of the largest
canine events in the country-the Illinois Basset Waddle. It was a
howling good time!

Sue has taught college English and was also a senior columnist for
Comstock's Business magazine, which twice nominated her for the
American Legion Auxiliary "Heart of America" Award. She studied
fiction writing at Trinity College and University Galway in Ireland
and University College London in England. She is a member of Mystery
Writers of America, Dog Writers' Association of America, PEO
International, and Sisters in Crime.

7 PM ET - Clint Gaige - Quiet Storm Publishing/Book Crazy Radio

Clint Gaige is the President and Co-founder of Quiet Storm
Publishing. He is also one of Quiet Storm's authors with two
published novels: A Kerouac Christ and Two Bits in print. Gaige has
logged over 15 years in the radio industry. He has also worked in
production and advertising in the television and newspaper industry.
As an author who understands advertising and marketing, making the
leap to publisher was a logical step. Quiet Storm Publishing is only
a year old but has managed to put together an impressive lineup of
authors. With a small staff of dedicated editors, layout
professionals, proofreaders and artists.Quiet Storm Publishing's goal
is to release quality books from quality authors. Currently, Quiet
Storm publishes 2 new titles per month.

8 PM ET - Patty Henderson - Woo Woo Mysteries

Patty is a firm believer in the romantic gothic element in horror and
doesn't feel comfortable with the splatter and gore, 'in your face'
mentality of some of today's horror fiction. BLOOD SCENT is more of a
vampire horror romance.
"It's such a delicious high to still turn readers on using the
classic supernatural elements. Vampires. Ghosts. Werewolves. Anne
Rice can weave this kind of magic and I admire her most of all horror
BLOOD SCENT was Patty's first novel and she marketed it to the
gay/lesbian reader as well as the traditional vampire horror fan.

"Selling an erotic, vampire romantic thriller with a lesbian slant
was extremely difficult. I made the decision to go with Justice House
Publishing and it has been a good decision." Patty is promoting her
newest book, the first in a mystery/supernatural suspense series. The
Burning of Her Sin is not your common variety mystery. It's the first
in a series featuring private investigator Brenda Strange and set in
Tampa, Florida. Barclay Books, a midsize publishing house based in
St. Petersburg, Florida, published it in February of 2002 and has
been doing well since.

"There are strong supernatural elements in The Burning of Her Sin,
but deep down it's a traditional PI novel with an unusual twist."

She's just finished the second Brenda Strange mystery. It's titled
Tangled and Dark and she is currently at work on the third book in
the series, which she calls The Missing Page.

9 PM ET - Tami Parrington - Conducting Interviews Via Messengers

Tami resides on a small farm in rural Illinois with her husband, Bob
and son, Bobby. Her daughter, Nicole and granddaughter, Alexis, live
nearby. Her novels include "The Road to Paradise," "In the Shadows of
Love," and "Dark Side of the Moon."

I thank the following wonderful authors for their book donations:
Ayn Hunt - Unwilling Killers
Tim Miller -Without a Trace
Linda Morelli - Shadow of Doubt
Robin Bayne - Charity's Prisoner
Jeanine Berry - Dayspring Dawning

There is no admission fee, but a donation toward GWN's expenses is


Permalink Cindy scribed this at 4:35 PM 0 comments


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Monday, July 21, 2003

I'm slowly adding reviews onto the pages so that when you click on one of the buttons, you'll actually get to see something. :) The thing I hate about stuff like this is that it's so slow...at least for me.

And the verdict on the buttons? I'll keep them. For now.

So, I added Bernard Cornwell, as you can see (or not, if you're in the archives) and I intend on adding more Neil Stuff, Ian Irvine, etc. I'm also thinking of combining my old fan girl page with this one...

But right now, seriously, I'm going to stop fooling around and work on my darn book! :)

Permalink Cindy scribed this at 5:40 PM 0 comments


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Saturday, July 19, 2003

Hmm. Fixed the buttons and the link. The jury's still out on whether they'll stay...they are sort of shiny (as a friend said)....but, you know, they're really kind of cool, too. :) If the flash is too slow, click on the "For More Reviews" just under the book cover. It'll take ye to a jump page.

Permalink Cindy scribed this at 7:13 PM 0 comments


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The button maker at Absolute textures got snobbish on me, so I decided to go looking for new ones...I'm still trying to deicde if the flas buttons on the left (some of them for pages that I'll put up shortly, please forgive...) are good with this page. Hmmm.

Fantasy and Mystery should work fine. :)

Permalink Cindy scribed this at 7:07 PM 0 comments


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Friday, July 18, 2003

And so, I've finally posted the Neil Gaiman, American Gods review. It's the one I used to prove to people I could be a reivewer. I didn't read it tonight as I made the page...couldn't stand the thought...I can't stand to read things after awhile.

Speaking of reading old stuff, I'm on chapter 15 of the edits...yay. I want to get back to my other book...

Ooh, gotta go chat.

Permalink Cindy scribed this at 9:06 PM 0 comments


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Sunday, July 13, 2003

Yet another quiz...but come one, they're fun!


Your pirate name is:

Iron Jenny Flint

A pirate's life isn't easy; it takes a tough person. That's okay with you, though, since you are that person. Like the rock flint, you're hard and sharp. But, also like flint, you're easily chipped, and sparky. Arr!

Permalink Cindy scribed this at 1:18 PM 0 comments


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What Edward Gorey Death Will I die?

Being sucked dry by leeches isn't so bad.
You will be sucked dry by a leech. I'd stay away
from swimming holes, and stick to good old
cement. Even if it does hurt like hell when
your toe scrapes the bottom.

What horrible Edward Gorey Death will you die?
brought to you by Quizilla

Permalink Cindy scribed this at 12:27 PM 0 comments


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Awhile back, I asked the Neil Gaiman message board if anyone would be interested in drawing a comics book. One nice genleman agreed, and around classes he;s been trying to get to it. He's sent me klinks and pictures to some of the people he's using as models for the charcaters...one was so nifty looking whatr was a sort of throw away lackey charcater is now going to play a major part in the second and third issues, and now another charcater has a tatoo...I think that is why comic books andother collaborative experiences are so cool. I'm now working out why Ollie has this tattoo...

The comic book now has gone from a script and a couple of outlines to something that's possible...I can't wait to get his sketches. I figure, to see a comic you only really need one issue done and a complete outline for the rest of the series. (It's a three parter.)

Right now I'm listening to some songs from Chanticleer....I don't care for their renditions of more modern things (but then, Dean Martin is the *only* person who can do "In The Cool, Cool, Cool of the evening....) but the older things are eerie and lovely. Right now I'm listening to "Loch Lomand" and it's breaking my heart. I find myself slowly re-writing my musical tastes. I think...regretably...that maybe I don't rock as hard as I used to. That, even, I never did.

Looking at my schedule of things I really need to get done, I have made a relavation. Next time I model myself after a writer, (and when I say Model, I mean, study out and see what he did to become successful, not use his style.) maybe, just maybe, I should pick someone a little less like Neil Gaiman. You know, someone who doesn't live his life mind boggling busy.

Just an odd thought. ;)

Permalink Cindy scribed this at 12:02 PM 0 comments


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  GWN Mini Con Schedule!
Saturday, July 12, 2003

Hello! Here is the Mini Con Schedule for July 26th...we're still finalizing things. Jon Merz may be attending, we hope, and the times are not solid....attendance is now free, but a donation is acepted. Please email netera@aol.com asap to let us know you're coming...this way you can be in line for some really cool proze drawings!

1) 9 AM ET - Paranormal Romance - Jeanine Berry

2) 10 AM ET - How to Promote Your Novel - Janet Elaine Smith

3) 11 AM ET - Plot and Setting - PJ Parrish

4) 12 PM ET - MMA & Mystery in General - Jeff Marks

5) 1 PM ET - Multi-Cultural Romance - Dominique.

6) 2 PM ET - POD - Elizabeth Burton, executive director/acquisitions Zumaya.

7) 3 PM ET - Conducting Interviews - Jody Gore, W.O.W.

8) 4 PM ET - Follow Your Passion to Publication - Sue Owens Wright

9) 5 PM ET - Quiet Storm Publishing/Book Crazy Radio - Clint Gaige

10) 6 PM ET - WOO WOO Mysteries - Patty Henderson.

11) 7 PM ET - Conducting Interviews Via Messengers - Tami Parrington.

Hi everyone,

The final plans for GWN's July 26th Mini Con are now underway. I need to know who will be attending so I can place their names in a free book drawings. Fill out the reservation forms as soon as you can and email them back to me. If all goes well, we should have atleast 10 speakers and will meet from 11 AM ET to ?

click July 26 access the chat by clicking on Features, chat info, Writer to Writer chat now.

GWN's Mini Con Reservation Form



My favorite genre to read is:

I will be attending with ___ other writers.

Are you interested in joining GWN's egroup? Would you like the URL? Do you know anyone interesting in book reviewing?

Permalink Cindy scribed this at 6:04 PM 0 comments


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Well, let's see. I went to a couple of places yesterday, one being the Meadowcroft rock shelter. My beloved friends B&J are (graduated but continuing) students of anthropology, so it was particularly important for them to get to go. It was actually fascinating...it's the oldest continually lived in spot in North America, and some of the artifacts discovered there are old enough to disprove the Clovis first people theory. (You know, the theory that during the ice age 12,000 years ago people crossed over an ice and land bridge into N. America.) So, usually you can't go into the dig itself...you get to stand beghind a sheet of plexi glass and look at a monitor, but since the camera broke we were able to actually go on a platform above the dig. I was quite content, looking at the small round dig tags.

Then we went to see Pirates of the Carrabean. I thought it was an awful lot of fun. The effects were fabulous, and Johnny Depp made a really fun and interesting Captain Jack Sparrow. Since this is the second movie I've gone out to see in many years, it's a definate life event. (the other was Matrix Reloaded.)

Oh, it's thundering out. This means my connection will soon be failing.

Permalink Cindy scribed this at 2:15 PM 0 comments


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Friday, July 11, 2003

i got it to work! I got it to work!

And now to bed.

After I check the link.

Permalink Cindy scribed this at 12:16 AM 0 comments


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Well, if I don't manage to put in a link with text by the Barbara Hambly book cover on the right, please go to

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  Featured reviews begun!
Thursday, July 10, 2003

So I went with Barbara Hambly for the first featured reviews. Eventually there will be a section that will be a sort of network of reviews I've done...I'm happy about this. I'm also hoping desperately that I did the html on this template right, because it's almost midnight and I need to go to bed. :-) I guess I'm about to see, eh?

Permalink Cindy scribed this at 11:59 PM 0 comments


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Sunday, July 06, 2003

I don't know if I've said this before. I may be driven to say it again. I don't know. I'm a forgetful girl, often confusing what I've written in my head with what I've written on paper. Sometimes I will make a perfect blog entry in my mind, and it never makes reality. Or, at least, virtual reality.

Summary of long story: My father told me that fantasy is evil. Therefore, one can extrapolate, he has just told me I'm going to hell. He doesn't think so. He doesn't understand, I think, that fantasy isn't about evil...it's about defeating evil. No matter how bad the big bad is, good always overcomes. Maybe it's not overly realistic, but at least it gives us hope. Anyway, that's not why I'm posting, even though he cut me to the quick. Sometimes people do, and there's no way in the world you can explain to them why. You know they won't get it.

The reason why I'm posting is: I obsess about trying to not be an ugly Christian. I am always afraid that if I say, Thank the Lord, or Jesus was really looking out for me, then everyone will think I'm this thoughtless hypocritical oppressor. But I'm afraid by thinking these things and not saying them I'm denying the God I chose. Which, since I'm not here to debate whether I'm right or not in my beliefs, I should say that if I decide to follow this religion (which I have, with much positive feeling and comfort, all my life.) then I should do it all the way. In for a penny, as they say. I should be true to it. I shouldn't be a wuss because I'm afraid that someone will see me as some vile creature. I should learn to trust people. I pride myself on not being judgmental, so isn't it wrong for me to be like, "I'm so fair and unbiased, but no one else is." So I'm not going to worry about it. I free myself. I'll assume that we are all good intentioned. Fair. Because, most people are.

Still won't see me inside a church though, at least not on a Sunday. Maybe on other days...but to look at the architecture or to see someone get married. It occurs to me that people often go to churches for funerals...I've been to many funerals, but none inside a church. Huh. I wonder if that means church funerals are only in the movies, now?

Now I'm going to go celebrate my Christian independance by watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer. A friend taped the final season for me, and I'm really digging it more than I thought I would. I thought the girl power potential slayerette thing may grate a bit, but I'm dealing pretty good. And Faith retuns on the ep. I'm watching, so everything really is five by five.

Also, won Dido and Sara Mclaughlin CD's on ebay, which I'll spend the week looking forward to. I need new music desperately. (I know for most of you these aren't new...but I'm also catching up on my terribly neglected music collection.)

Permalink Cindy scribed this at 10:46 AM 0 comments


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Friday, July 04, 2003

So, yesterday I decided to take a couple days off, (I'm bruned out pretty bad.) and restart my life. This required scrubbing the grill and baking bread...the bread which was a miracle. See, I turned on the oven, let it heat up to 350, and was positive that I'd turn it off again. The point is you let the bread rise in a warm, snug place. But apparently when I turned on the timer, the oven came on again, baking my favorite blue pyrex bowl (which, thank God, I'd put in a pan of water) and my bread. When I realized that I shouldn't be smelling bread baking, I ran inside, did the "Oh, no everything's ruined" panic dance, then carefully pried the still raw on the bottom but nice and brown on the top loaf out of it. After a few moments, I sighed, shrugged and stuck it back in. The result was the most tender bread I've ever made. It's one of those small miracles....like once, at a stop light, me and the guy in the lane opposite me seemed to drift into daydreams well into the light's change from red. Just as I realized what was going on, a red car blazed through the intersection. It would have clobbered me and the driver opposite if we'd gone through on the change...small miracles. If it's all I ever get, then I'll be happy. Or at least try to be.

Also, for your information, red velvet chocholate cake batter looks like finger paint, or, worse, horror blood. When you bake it it looks like dried horror blood. I have a feeling that half of you will swear off it forever, while the rest of my readers will write it on their grocery lists. :D

Permalink Cindy scribed this at 4:20 PM 0 comments


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I don't know...I'm trying to decide if this really fits me or not....I'd rather be a Summoner. Or a Red Mage. How about a Bard? Monks are pretty hip, too....

*blue mage*

a magician who uses the enemy's own abilities

curious; observant; knowledgeable
[Final Fantasy Tactics Job Class]

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11/01/2001 - 12/01/2001 03/01/2002 - 04/01/2002 04/01/2002 - 05/01/2002 05/01/2002 - 06/01/2002 06/01/2002 - 07/01/2002 07/01/2002 - 08/01/2002 08/01/2002 - 09/01/2002 09/01/2002 - 10/01/2002 12/01/2002 - 01/01/2003 01/01/2003 - 02/01/2003 02/01/2003 - 03/01/2003 03/01/2003 - 04/01/2003 04/01/2003 - 05/01/2003 05/01/2003 - 06/01/2003 06/01/2003 - 07/01/2003 07/01/2003 - 08/01/2003 08/01/2003 - 09/01/2003 09/01/2003 - 10/01/2003 10/01/2003 - 11/01/2003 11/01/2003 - 12/01/2003 12/01/2003 - 01/01/2004 01/01/2004 - 02/01/2004 02/01/2004 - 03/01/2004 03/01/2004 - 04/01/2004 04/01/2004 - 05/01/2004 05/01/2004 - 06/01/2004 06/01/2004 - 07/01/2004 07/01/2004 - 08/01/2004 08/01/2004 - 09/01/2004 09/01/2004 - 10/01/2004 10/01/2004 - 11/01/2004 11/01/2004 - 12/01/2004 12/01/2004 - 01/01/2005 01/01/2005 - 02/01/2005 02/01/2005 - 03/01/2005 03/01/2005 - 04/01/2005 04/01/2005 - 05/01/2005 05/01/2005 - 06/01/2005 06/01/2005 - 07/01/2005 08/01/2006 - 09/01/2006 10/01/2006 - 11/01/2006 11/01/2006 - 12/01/2006 12/01/2006 - 01/01/2007 01/01/2007 - 02/01/2007 02/01/2007 - 03/01/2007 03/01/2007 - 04/01/2007 04/01/2007 - 05/01/2007 05/01/2007 - 06/01/2007 06/01/2007 - 07/01/2007 07/01/2007 - 08/01/2007 08/01/2007 - 09/01/2007 09/01/2007 - 10/01/2007 10/01/2007 - 11/01/2007 11/01/2007 - 12/01/2007 12/01/2007 - 01/01/2008 01/01/2008 - 02/01/2008