Saturday, August 16, 2003Let's see.
Well, I'm slowly, slowly catching up with things...I've got only...gasp...26 books on the to be read pile! I'm trying to get done with everything by the 23rd of next month, where I plan to take some time off to pretend the fact I'm going to be one year less 30 doesn't bother me.
I've finsihed my training and now am an AOL community leader. Which I'm not sure if I'm suppossed to tell anyone...AOL tries to teach us to be very, very careful, which I think is sweet. It's weird. I've gone from being an AOL hater to being someone who is fairly dependent on it. I even enjoy being part of it. :) Now that I've got enough memory to keep everything running.
The thing you have to be careful with, when yu join any page hoster, is that you still keep your copy right. If you make a homepage on AOL, Yahoo, don't precisely lose your Copy right, but you do "give" them permission to repost your work.
I'm blathering. Brain dead. Vile. I'd better go. Permalink Cindy scribed this at 8:36 PM