Sunday, December 21, 2003Holiday time off and what am I doing? Updating my homepage, of course!
My site redesign continues with the beginnings of me re-working my written things. I've moved the old version of Balancing Act, remade a new page for my novels with links to excepts of the first two books, including a vew and improved version of Balancing Act and the old version of Blue Moon, and listed my works in progress...books that hopefully will be finsihed over the next few years. These are the ones I'm actively on, I have about eight more begun...
Also have begun the redesign of the Works page itself, which will under go changes as I continue to upload author interviews, articles and books reviews.
I think it's looking spiffy...please feel free to check it out! Balancing Act, for those of you who have already checked out the excerpt, has a creepy new prologue.
Permalink Cindy scribed this at 3:17 PM