Thursday, January 01, 2004One of the great creative tragedies in the history of film making was what happened to The Night of the Hunter. Charles laughton directed this gorgues, dark thriller, and robert Mitchum starred. (You know when you see love written on the knuckles of one hand, hate on the other? Robert Mitchum's charcater, I think, started that.) Laughton uses shadow and light to create some of the most lovely and eerie scenes, and the portrayls of the people are incredibly provoking. Sometimes it's a little old fashiondly sweet...but it's a movie that really captures a time as well as a feeling. Yet, when it came out, critics and audiences a like ignored it. Thus my tragedy...Charles Laughton thought he'd failed completely, and never directed another movie. Imagine what he would have done, with what he learned during this movie, and applied it to another. He was a genius. Permalink Cindy scribed this at 8:05 PM