Sunday, March 28, 2004I added some reviews, finally, to the General/Mainstream review section. This is the section where everything that's not mystery, romance, comics, fantasy or nonfiction gets put, so it's an odd combination of historical and world. Some of my favorite books are in this section...and I'm going to try and finsih it off soon since it's relatively short.
Right now Gotta Write is offering a page building service for authors/writers. For a one time fee they (well, she) will build and host a page for a writer. She's invited me to do it, and I'm wavering back and forth on it. It's a great idea...and it's a cheap way to get a web page, no domain name, no yearly fee (as of yet), but I don't know if I should go for it, because to try this would take an awful lot of time and dedication to get people interested.
But I am going to build a forum and chat room for the site, for the authors who already signed up to share.
I wish I hadn't broken my crystal ball in the move back here....
Permalink Cindy scribed this at 7:45 PM