Hey, National Novel Writing Month!
Sunday, October 31, 2004Well, as you know, I can't really participate...but since my book's about 40,000 words, another 50,000 would make it a solid first draft. So I'll defiantely participate, but only via my journal. If you want to participate by proxy, comment...I'll go over to your journal, and post comments, and we can egg each other on. Feel free to post your daily word counts, just don't stick your tounge out at me when you're doing a maginificent 8,000 words a day and I'm eeking a log at 700. :-P
I am so hoping that, if I work on this like it's a goal people expect me to meet, that I'll actually get my first draft done. Then I can use December to catch up on everything.
Permalink Cindy scribed this at 11:22 AM