I thought you'd like this....
Sunday, December 12, 2004
What book am I? Hmm. Well, given that I seem to be writing a lot of urban fantasy based on different sorts of mythology, I guess I'd have say I'm presently Gaiman's AMERICAN GODS. Funny thing is, it only seems appropriate since my present story, TAD, has managed to have a good bit of Navajo mythology weaved into the tale. I just finished today's writing session. It was most productive! 641 words! I was a wee bit worried about where this story would go today, until I took some time to read about Spider Rock, which sits in the middle of Navajo country. That little bit of reading provided a ton of inspiration, with plenty of impetus left over for tomorrow's session.^^
By g d townshende, at
12:19 AM
This story has taken on such a different colour than I originally envisioned, it's amazing. That doesn't bother me, though. I know that what's going on with it at present is right. For once, I simply followed my character instead of worrying about what would happen. Funny how Biblical principles apply even to writing: "take no thought for the morrow, for it has enough troubles of its own." A paraphrase, but it's close enough.