My least favorite time of the year...
Thursday, December 09, 2004

I can't wait for deer season to be over. I think it might be the last day, because the last minute hunters seem to be out. There is a lot of shooting going on out there.

I live in the middle of the woods, just off a highway, so you know that many men in orange have been driving up and down the road these past weeks. You'd think, since one of the main properties is a dairy farm, that my neighbor would have no hunting posted, but I've been seeing orange dots all over his property, so all I can say is, I hope he's keeping his cows in the barn.

I think hunting is needed...deer have no natural predators, so they starve if there's too many of them. Last year, the winter was so bad, that I spread out hay for them. They ate the ever greens next to my house, which is truly a desperate act...and they actually slept under my window. One moonlit night I could see them, dark shadows against the show. You can tell, in PA, how long deer season will be, by how many deer bodies you count along side the road. But I get terribly disgusted by people who don't use the meat. I can respect someone who's feeding their family, or who donates the meat to the needy, but when food goes it waste, it makes me sick.

*Slouches in her chair as she hears another round. Idiots! AIM first, OK?*

A few days ago I went down to the road. I saw a deer running towards me...she looked so small, that I thought it was a dog, steam pouring out her nostrils. She stopped, looked at me, before squeezing between the wires of the electric fence and disappearing over the hill. I stood there, pleased by the experience, until I realized that she was probably running from something.

I am *so* staying in the house today.

Permalink Cindy scribed this at 11:57 AM 2 comments


Hmm. I think I'd live in a hotel until deer season was over, Cindy. Don't believe I've posted here at your blog before. Or, perhaps I have, and have forgotten. How long is deer season up there? You didn't mention it in your post.

I had an interesting experience a few days ago. I was driving home from work, and as I rounded this bend, there was a fawn standing in the middle of the road. I didn't see the thing until it was almost too late. I braked, I downshifted, I turned to my right. I missed the deer, but not by much. In fact, I was practically alongside the fawn, before it ran off into the woods to my left. I couldn't help but wonder where it's mother was.

By Blogger g d townshende, at 8:08 PM  

I thought about the hotel, but I've survived 30 hunting seasons, i think I'm ok. And it's over...Hunting season, I think, is only two weeks.

Meg, we used to gather the chickens up, too, during that time...and keep the horse in the barn. She was a gray appoloosa, so she didn't look deer like at all, but we weren't taking chances.

Gary, I'm so grateful you didn't hit her. *Thanks heaven) that would have been horrible. :(

By Blogger Cindy, at 1:05 PM  

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