Time passages...
Monday, January 03, 2005 Saturday, I found out about the fabulous new direction Fiction Addiction, the website I've managed or moderated the forum of for...oh, three years(ish)? and that direction includes closing down said forum. I'm sad about this, because I met alot of wonderful people, but feel that my new postiton...as managing editor, is brillant, and will allow me to help would be writers in a whole new way.
The ones who want to? Who wouldn't want to? Count me in as one who wants to.
By g d townshende, at
7:20 PM
At least you found out about it. I was a moderator too and I knew nothing until I tried to go there (having recovered from the Christmas holidays and got back online) to find it gone!
5:23 PM
*nods* I tried to contact everyone, but couldn't get through. Sorry about that.
Do we know why Apryl did this? Having been around since the days of "Bella" (or was it delphi - which ever was first) I was very surprised that this happened - seems unlike her.
4:32 AM
Not really. I think she just needed a change? I really don't know, dear...I do know it happened fairly fast. :(
Hey, this may be the old template, but I still like it. That cross is just grand.