Wednesday, April 13, 2005Right now I'm in the middle of a very good morning. My boss and Co-worker are at important I worked for nearly two hours, then I went on the mail run...I biought myself a stomboli, then I wateched this:
Right now Neil Gaiman is reading parts from his new novel, Anasi Boys. Look under fantasy and click Neil Gaiman for a marvelous time. He did this as part of the 2004 book fair, and it ended up on the LOC website. It's amazing! He is an extroadinary reader, with excellent timing that brings out the charm and wonderful humor of his prose. I keep laughing aloud, which is why this post is taking so long...
I so can't wait for this book to come out.
Now I shall work on something else, because I want everything nice and done for when the guys get back. Permalink Cindy scribed this at 11:34 AM