It's up!
Can you believe it? My story is up! And despite my swearing I would not look, I already have one very high vote + comment!
Please vote? Remember, every vote counts whether I win or lose, because I can use the number to prove to a possible publisher's eyes that I can get readers.
First you will need to register. It asks for your first and last name, your location, a user name, an email and a password.
Once you are registered, please go to this link:
Please vote by Monday, March 12th, because submissions only stay up 14 days.
Below the story, but above the orange framed word balloons (other people’s comments) there is a line of stars, for a rating of 1 through 10. Please click on as high as you feel comfortable voting for my story. 10 is the best.
The top 20 chapters will be announced on April 3rd, 2007. The winners will have their chapters posted the next day.
Labels: chocolatier, pretty please, Vote pretty
Permalink Cindy scribed this at 8:58 PM