Thursday, September 13, 2007
| Thirteen Things about YOUR NAME
Thursday Thirteen
Some of my key phrases.
There are a handful of things I often say…sometimes phrases can be crutches, sometimes they are odd ways to define who you are. Here are some of mine.
1. Sipping chocolate: Ever have a piece of chocolate that was so rich, so satisfying, that you didn’t need to eat more? That’s sipping chocolate, inspired by the old idea of sipping whiskey. 2. No worries: I’ve said this ever since I was a kid, when I had my fascination with Australia…I think in the 7th grade. Even the Lion King couldn’t stop me from saying it…though I did go through a time when I would have gladly strangled anyone who said…what was that word? Ah, thank you, Google: Hukuna Matata. Anyway, it’s one of the things I say 500 times a day. 3. Take care: this is my other main phrase. I say it instead of good-bye. Sometimes I say it when I’m just leaving someone’s office and plan to see them in a minute or two…which is very embarrassing. Take care in Cindy-speech is “Fare well, stay safe, see you soon, I am leaving you now.” 4. Awesome/nifty: I tried to get away from Cool, which I also use far too much. Too many people made fun of me, partially because I say it, I guess, oddly? I say the C hard, like a K, and oool like pool. Sounds normal in the typing, but hey, what do I know? 5. Snarky: Isn’t Snarky a great word? It’s fun, it’s perfectly descriptive. 6. F***: That is my favorite curse word. I think saying GD is blasphemous, but the f-bomb is perfectly fine. There’s a satisfaction to uttering the word, it’s short, quick, and almost like a foot stamp. 7. Dear: One of my bad habits. This word covers two issues: If I like you, or find you endearing, I call you dear. Also, even though I like you, speak to you once a day, I may be too busy doing what I need to do to bring your name from my knowledge to my tongue. So dear is both a compliment from me, and a crutch. 8. Lord willing and the creek don’t rise: I have no idea why I say this. I think I say it because I want to make Lord willing into a phrase, that way it becomes acceptable. I’m still saying God willing, but now I’ve made it palatable, or at least slightly more so, to all. I really need to stop being an apologist before I die. 9. Drat!: If I’m trying very hard not to curse. Fung’s another one. If I can’t be dirty, at least I can be original. 10. Gormless git: (Or, sometimes, gormless twit.) If I’m really annoyed…usually reserved for those fake telemarketers that call work all the time. I get so sick of picking up the phone, only to find that I dropped what I was doing for nothing. 11. Sweets/babe: How I address my mother. People think I have a girlfriend, because when I say hello or bye, it’s usually, “Hey babes!” or “See you, sweets!” My father also gets addressed this way if I am in a good mood with him. I’m sure someone could make a very interesting profile on me based on that. 12. Shall: I actually use this word a lot, especially in speech. I think it’s a nice word, and it shows people that you are serious. 13. Thank you: This is the most important phrase anyone can say. And when you say it, you should always look them in the eye. If you can’t, “so much” is also good. I think people always should know that you are grateful. In friendship, it keeps people from feeling abused, in business; it makes people more willing to help.
Links to other Thursday Thirteens! 1. Lynn 2. Christine
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